This is the write up for the room Intro to ISAC on Tryhackme and it is part of the Tryhackme Cyber Defense Path
Make connection with VPN or use the attackbox on Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab environment
TASK Intro to ISAC
Task 1 to 8 are all informational and no questions need to be answered. I will follow along every task and if something is not clear It will be in this write up.
Task 1 till Task4
Read all that is in the task press complete
Task 5
I’m unable to sign up for a free account. You can now only request a demo. I think this has changed
Just scroll down and press complete
Task 6 and 7
Read all that is in the task press complete
Task 8
Start up the machine attached to this Task. Wait at least 5 minutes
Start Remmina Remote Desktop client and RDP into the provided machine. Do not forget to change the Colour Depth and select client resolution to get it full screen

Skip the errors about the windows activation
Task 9
Make sure you have still have the RDP session open.
9.1 What is the name of the file from Scenario 1?
Open the given directory and the the file name

Answer: 29D6161522C7F7F21B35401907C702BDDB05ED47.bin
9.2 What is the size of the file from Scenario 1 in bytes?
Right click on the file then properties

Answer: 96,535
9.3 What is the size on disk of the file from Scenario 1 in bytes?
Answer: 98,304
9.4 What is the MD5 hash of the file from Scenario 1?
Open the MD5 program in the tools directory and use the browse button to browse to the file

Answer: 8baa9b809b591a11af423824f4d9726a
9.5 What is the name of the file from Scenario 2?
Navigate to the giving directory C:\Users\Jon\Documents\Scenarios\Scenario 2
Answer: cryptowall.bin
9.6 What is the size of the file from Scenario 2 in bytes?
Right mouse click on the file and select properties

Answer 246,272
9.7 What is the size on disk of the file from Scenario 2 in bytes?
Answer: 249,856
9.8 What is the MD5 hash of the file from Scenario 2?
Same as above open the MD5 program in the tools directory and browse to the file
Answer: 47363b94cee907e2b8926c1be61150c7