This is a write up for the room Linux Fundamentals Part 1 on
Make connection with VPN or use the attackbox on Tryhackme site to connect to the Tryhackme lab enviroment
First deploy the machine attached to the room. The IP of room will be visible at the top of the page once the machine is booted
Once deployed connect to the machine with the given credentials in task 1
Task 2:
Read and press complete
Task 3:
Same as task 2
Task 4:
Read and type in the answer found in the text
echo -n helllo
Task 5:.
The first answer can be found in the text of task 5
The second answer can be found by typing man ls and scrolling a bit down
Task 6:
The answer can be found in the output in this task or by typing cat –help in the terminal
Task 7: To progress read and press complete
Task 8:
The answers are actually in the questions
Task 9:
So we need to create a file called noot.txt and then run the binary file in that directory. So we can get the password for the next user for the next section
Task 10:
The answer here is in the man pages of su
type man su to and find the right parameter
Progress to the next user by typing su shiba2 and when ask for the password use the password in task 9
Task 11:
In this task just read and press complete and remember the password for the next room. We will need it
What have we learned in Linux Fundamentals part 1
We have learned the following commands:
echo to echo to screen what ever comes after echo
man – Example: man echo
cat – Output whatever is in the file to the screen
ls – List directory and see files inside directory
touch – Create a file
su – Change users
And running a Binary with ./
Now continue to Linux Fundamentals Part 2