This is the write up for the room Windows Fundamentals 2 on Tryhackme and it is part of the complete beginners path
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Tasks Windows Fundamentals 2
Task 1
Start the machine attached to this room. To connect to it from Kali Linux we are using the program Remmina. If you do not have it you can install it by typing the following command
apt install remmina
Once Remmina is started press the plus sign in the upper left corner and fill in the information as below ( Do change the IP )

Accept the certificate when asked for it
Task 2
2.1 What is the name of the service that lists Systems Internals as the manufacturer?
Open System configuration as explained in the task. Press tab Service and click on manufacture

Answer: psshutdown
2.2 Whom is the Windows license registered to?
Now press the tools tab and select about windows. Press launch

Answer: Windows user
2.3 What is the command for Windows Troubleshooting?
Now select windows troubleshooting from the list and see the command
Answer: C:\Windows\System32\control.exe /name Microsoft.Troubleshooting
2.4 What command will open the Control Panel? (The answer is the name of .exe, not the full path)

Answer: control.exe
Task 3
3.1 What is the command to open User Account Control Settings? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

Answer: UserAccountControlSettings.exe
Task 4
4.1 What is the command to open Computer Management? (The answer is the name of the .msc file, not the full path)

Answer: compmgmt.msc
4.2 At what time every day is the GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA task configured to run?
Open computer management. If you still have the screen open from the previous question you can press launch to open computer management. Once open press task schedule

Answer 6:15 AM
4.3 What is the name of the hidden share?
Open shares and you will see the hidden share. Hidden shares always end with $. So this is a normal share but it is the answer to the question

Answer: sh4r3dF0Ld3r
Task 5
5.1 What is the command to open System Information? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)
Answer: msinfo32
5.2 What is listed under System Name?

5.3 Under Environment Variables, what is the value for ComSpec?

Answer: %systemroot%\system32\cmd.exe
Task 6
6.1 What is the command to open Resource Monitor? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)
Answer: resmon.exe
Task 7
7.1 In System Configuration, what is the full command for Internet Protocol Configuration?

Answer: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe /k %windir%\system32\ipconfig.exe
7.2 For the ipconfig command, how do you show detailed information?
Answer: ipconfig /all
Task 8
8.1 What is the command to open the Registry Editor? (The answer is the name of the .exe file, not the full path)

Answer: regedt32.exe
Task 9
Read all that is in this task then press complete to finish this room
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